Eid Milad-un-Nabi (SAW) 12 Rabi ul Awal 2022

Eid Milad un Nabi 2022

It is predicted that the month of Rabi ul Awal 2022 would begin on Wednesday, September 28, 2022, and that the holiday known as Eid Milad un Nabi 2022 will be celebrated on November 11th.

3rd Islamic Month 

In the Islamic calendar, sometimes referred to as the Hijri calendar, Rabi ul Awal is the third month.
Rabbi in Arabic is the equivalent of spring, while Al Awwal is the equivalent of the first. As a result, Rabbi ul Awwal as a whole means "The First Spring."
The birth of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.), which is the most important and memorable event in human history, occurred in Rabi ul Awal, making it the most important month in Islamic history. Consequently, this month is recognized as our beloved Prophet's birth month (S.A.W.).

Birth of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Month

People were in a state of ignorance and darkness before to the Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.). They prayed to multiple gods. They were straying from Allah's path. The Message of Truth, the Message of Allah, His Oneness, was introduced into the world with the birth of the Prophet (S.A.W.). The people were guided by this message toward the way of enlightenment and were given the ability to recognize right from wrong.

Allah Says in Holy Quran

"Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is the Messenger of  Allah and the last of  Prophets of Allah , No Prophet come after Muhammad SAW”

The symbol of perfection is the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). In order to live an ideal lifestyle that is not just described to us by religion but is also advantageous for all of humanity if we were to follow it, he is the role model that Allah has selected for us, and we are to follow his Sunnah. The Qur'an quotes Allah.




Holy Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.)  year of born


Death of  Hazrat Amina mother of Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)


 Death of grandfather of Prophet (S.A.W.) Abdul Muttalib.

  Abu Talib became guardian. of Prophet (SAW)


Prophet (S.A.W.) married Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (R.A.).


First revelation in the cave of Mount Hira (first five verses of Surah Al-Alaq: 96)


Prophet (S.A.W.) started preaching Islam


Muslims First immigration to Abyssinia.


1-      Muslims Second immigration to Abyssinia

2-     Hamza (R.A.) and Umar (R.A.) became Muslims.

3-     Nonbelievers boycotted the Muslims.


1-      Boycott on Muslims was lifted.

2-     Prophet’s (S.A.W.) uncle Abu Talib died.

3-     Prophet’s (S.A.W.) first wife Khadija (R.A.) died.

4-  Prophet’s (S.A.W.) journey of Isra and Miraj and ordination of five daily prayers.


First allegiance at Aqaba


1-      Second allegiance at Aqaba.

2-     Muslims started migration to Madinah.

3-     Prophet’s (S.A.W.) migration to Madinah.

4-     Masjid al-Quba established (first mosque of Islamic history).

5-     Brotherhood (treaty with Jews).


Qibla changed from Masjid Al-Aqsa to Masjid Al-Haram (Kaaba).


1-      First battle of Islam; Battle of Badr took place.

2-     Obligation of Ramadan Fasting.

3-     Death of Prophet’s (S.A.W.) daughter Ruqiyyah (R.A.).

4-     First Eid ul Fitr and Eid Al Adha were celebrated by Muslims.


Battle of Uhud.


Battle of Trench.


1-      Treaty of Hudabiah.

2-   Prophet’s (S.A.W.) sent letter to kings of foreign countries and invited them to accept Islam.

3-     Battle of Khaybar.


1-      Conquest of Makkah.

2-     Prophet (S.A.W.) performed Umrah.

3-     Tabuk expedition.


Prophet (S.A.W.) performed Farewell Pilgrimage (Hajj).


Prophet (S.A.W.) passed away and was buried in Madinah


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